How do you get started?


New Member
Hey all,

so my current company is downsizing, and I might be on the list of those affected... sucks but what can you do?
At the moment, my job has nothing to do with web design whatsoever... but i'd like it to.
i've done a course in Web Design which gave me the foundations to start working on some projects here and there (all i've done so far is freebies for friends and family).
I've been self studying for a while in my spare time to give myself more knowledge of CSS and other standards, and am thinking of going for a more advanced course if i am retrenched (the package isn't bad so i could do it).

that being said, I hate my current job anyway, and want to start a career in Web Design. So my question is this. How does one get started in Web Design? i know with my basic qualification, I've no hope of landing a job straight up when there are so many experienced and talented designers looking at the moment, but how does one get experience when no-one is willing to hire you without experience??

So to those currently employed as designers, and anyone with advice, How did you start off? how did you land your first job?
Also, this is the course I'm looking at doing.
any thoughts on it? is it worth the €4k its going to set me back?

thanks in advance everyone :D


New Member
looking at their web site i i wouldn't have though so , no :)

true... its not pretty, but it works...
Content wise what do you think? I did DTP and Web level 1 with them and they're not a bad crowd.
thing is, the web content was a little dated, hence i'm worried that the content on level 2 will be pretty much useless these days...


New Member
i know a lot of web designers are self-taught... maybe you can start by doing some (paid) freelance projects first. Noble desktop has some good web design classes though.


New Member
i know a lot of web designers are self-taught... maybe you can start by doing some (paid) freelance projects first. Noble desktop has some good web design classes though.

yeah, think i'm gonna have to start charging for my time... first "client" is doing my head in with updates!!

on a side note, your portfolio site is awesome!