How can I learn Php and asp?


New Member
Hi! I have no knowledge in Php and Asp. How and where can I learn Php and Asp? What software is used for Php? What software is used for Php?
How to create my own Server for my webiste?

Thank You Very Much in Advance!


New Member
A lot of web hosting companies have programs such as Cpanel that will auto install PHP scripts such as shopping carts, CMS, CRM and many others. One way to start is to install one of these programs that interest you and then look at the code. Play around with making simple changes.


New Member
If you do as shannon suggests, there are usually very good help forums to help you customize the scripts. It's a rather hit and miss way but on the other hand it helps you get started until figure out what you want to do with it.


New Member
Hi! Thank you for the advice. I want to know where can I get the PHP software free? And what can I do with PHP? Any advice on how I can implement PHP into my personal website which I am going to create soon?
How to create a website to update my photos and news everyday to keep my website updated?

Thank You very much!


New Member
It sounds like what you want is a content management system and a photogallery. There are many to choose from for both things. For the content management system I would recommend, Joomla!, Xoops, or Postnuke to start with. All three are relatively easy to use and have loads of support information on their respective sites. For the photogallery, I'd recommend Gallery or Coppermine, both of which also have loads of support.


Super Moderator
Staff member
you can find a rather large selection of scripts to choose from at

if you are serious about wanting to learn a PHP or ASP, or any other language for that matter, i suggest you go to a bookstore near you and find a book that will work for you. you can learn a great deal from online tutorials and forums such as the ones over at, but the best way to learn without scipping things you might need later, IMHO is by getting a good book and learning everything from the ground up.

however, that's just my .02 cents.