Here my new develop site :)


New Member
Overall it's good

I personally think it's better to have the site as a whole aligned in the center of the screen. (Not the text, just the actual site.) It is pretty condensed and has small text.

You do a good job of creating the whole icon feeling with the site and you jump right into it so there is no mistaking what the site is about. That's great!

If I was going to change anything it would be centering the site in the window and making the text a little larger so it's easier read. Also, finding a nice way to unclutter everything a bit. You can usually accomplish this by creating a better categorizing system so you can get less on each page without hiding the items.

Hope this makes sense, it's late. :)


New Member
The page seems very "tall" to me - One of the golden rules of designing for the internet is that "People don't read on the internet." You don't need to display the whole icon set on the front page, most people aren't going to keep scrolling down past what they can initially see in their browser window.

Echo the sentiments on centering the page. Everything feels a bit cramped.

Otherwise, great design - very polished.