Help Please!!! Very new to Web Designing...


New Member
Hi everyone

I'm trying to start a new blog which I'm hosting on my own domain. I thought I had everything looking the way I wanted to (I use FireFox 3.0.7) but then I saw it on IE7 and it looks terrible.

I'm very new to all of this and didn't realise that if it looks fine on one browser it doesn't mean it will on another.

I also checked through Safari and it's not bad but it's still not what I want it to be like with FireFox.

I only have an Apple Mac computer without Windows so I can't test through IE7, I didn't know what to do so I went in search for a Web Design forum - so here I am hoping you might be able to help me out.

My website is:

The same thing is happening with a splash page I created at:

I really appreciate any help, please let me know if there's anything you may require from me to help further.

Kind regards


New Member
Everything looks like crap in IE, Firefox is the correct way to code.

Most commonly for big websites is that you use 2 CSS's, the normal one works for everything, then you have the other for IE. You can have the server identify what browser your viewer is using and automaticly change between the two sheets.


New Member
I only have an Apple Mac computer without Windows so I can't test through IE7

You can get a screenshot of it in IE7 at It's not an ideal testing platform though as it takes a bit of time, but at least it'll get you a visual of the problem.

From what I can see from my IE7 the middle container is way down at the bottom of the page. I can't really see why though. You might want to try to float all your column containers to one side.


New Member
Hey thanks heaps for your replies.

Being new to all of this I don't really understand much about what you have said though, so I feel a little stumped as to what to do...

I guess I'll try and play around with things.

Just when I thought I had everything right, IE7 goes and ruins it for me!!!



New Member
I'm not sure if this will help or not but I didn't see any elements defined for the
<div id="sidebars"> above your <ul> tags. I used a plug-in for firefox called firebug, which is a really helpful tool for trouble-shooting. It doesn't always help with explorer directly but it does help to see how things are defined.
