Google’s Wonder Wheel for long tail keywords and the resultant traffic

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Finding Long Tail Keywords using Google’s Wonder Wheel to increase traffic
Keywords form an important part of an online business as they are responsible for driving traffic to a website and webmasters conduct a lot of research to find the traffic-generating keywords so that the business objectives are meant and they are able to run it profitably. As to which keyword or keyword phrase, would yield more results in terms of traffic and conversions, is a question that bothers every webmaster. In this article, we will discuss the potential of Long Tail Keywords and how one can find them using the Google’s free keyword research tool calledWonder Wheel.


Wonder Wheel

Google’s Wonder Wheel - what exactly is that? I don't think such a tool exists.

In the article referenced in the original post, read the blue check marked instructions carefully, no skimming. The tool exists, but you see it all the time with your search results. It's not something special to which you need the address.

I used to think that hits from long search phrases were of far less value because they are people usually looking for answers to specific questions and not in a buying mood. However, using this tool once showed me some very targeted 5-key word phrases that would send me valuable, buying mood traffic.

Great tip guys.


New Member
Google’s Wonder Wheel - what exactly is that? I don't think such a tool exists.

Hi, Google's Wonder Wheel is really a cool tool you need to consider. For example, if you search for "web design", you can see a list of keywords (and also related websites) related to "web design" e.g. "web design prices," "web design tutorial," "web design software," etc.

Click this Google Wonder Wheel link to see it for yourself:
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