Getting a tabled Website from a PS Design


New Member
Well I have created a site in Photoshop and have it all sliced out and exported to Dreamweaver. I know how to get the thing operational, all except one big hang up.

I want to be able to have my layout (with my buttons and everything that I have made and functional, as well as being able to have a table set up for the body section where I can insert things on top of it such as text, link, and pictures. So instead having to change the actual image of the body section I can just change the text in the table. Nothing out of the ordinary. I am just not sure how to accomplish this.

Here is a link the the flattened layout.

I am not sure if this is clear enough... If not I will be ready and waiting to reply.

Thank you for your time,
Joshua Gilbreath


New Member
If I'm understanding you correctly, what I do is set my slices up in DIV tags as background images, which enables me to put text, tables or images on top of them.

Hope this helps


New Member
Well I think that I figured out the use of div tags. I do not think that though I can diagnose the troubleshoot the issues I am having.

This is the process that I am doing right now. Deleting the white body area that where I want my content to be. I place my cursor the div tags goes, go to the layout tab, create div tag.

The div tag is created. I get some text entered and preview the text and the text appears farther down in the body area in Firefox and IE than it does in the Design view in DW.

Any suggestions?

Joshua Gilbreath

*Also to set your slices up in div tags, do you just set the full td in div tags?