Furthering my website


New Member
I use freewebs and its very simplistic. I could have probably made my own site at age 7 since the website maker is soooo easy to use. I am only 14, so I can't affored anything, or pay monthly for premium services. I was wondering if there is anyway to add more to my website by going out of the freewebs editory limits. I have NO idea what html is, but I did embed my own song by using a special code in it. So, anyway to add more detail and creativity to the site?


New Member
hmmm... Like an introduction page. One of those pages where you need to click "enter" or something to actually get into the site.

Possibly different mouse affects (they dont have a lot)

Different Page affects (they dont have a lot)

The ability to add pages to your pages. Like having a TON of information on 1 page, and then being able to click the little next button to get to the next page of that information.


Staff member
I have never used freewebs.com so I dont really know what is and what isnt possible with their system. I assume from looking at their site, they use some sort of template system. You may want to check the list of free web hosting providers at yahoo
The sites are listed in order of popularity. I know that bravenet.com offers a lot of free hosted web tools to enhance the functionality of your site.


New Member
well I suggest you learn html. Its not hard at all, i learned it when i was 12. (im 15 now).
just give it a try after you learn html anything is possible.