Fully Dynamic Nav bar help


New Member
Hello and thanks for any help I can get from this fellow community. I want to design a dynamic page with static text my most concentrated area would be the navigation bar since I would want to make it fully interactive. I wanted to make an object that would stay on the side of the navigation bar when the home page loaded and then come to any buttons on the navigation bar when I would click that certain button but it must be timed so you could see the action take place before it would activate the link to the next page. How big would this project be is it capable for a beginner?? The reason I ask is because I never seen this type of nav bar. If anyone knows any type of examples that would be great help.


New Member
What you are suggesting is not "that" difficult. You will probably have to look at using one of the JS libraries for animation effects etc.

There are loads but the ones I tend to end up using are:


So you would need some sort of animation effect triggered when the user clicks the menu item.

The link below doesn't do exactly what you want but it might give you some ideas on how this sort of thing is achieved.




New Member
Whether this project is within your reach depends on your concept of "beginner" - are you familiar with html? js? other coding experience? If you're completely new to coding, this project will probably be out of your league & you should seek some pro help.

JC's dead on with the js recommendations - I'd also check into Prototype / Script.al.icious libraries


New Member
Great thanks for both of your advises it helped me a lot but what about building this nav bar in flash cs3 using action script 3.0 would i still require to learn Js, I am planning to learn Js essentially but I have learned a lot of action script 3.0. Js I heard was similar to as 3.0 which one would you think be better to use??? Js or as 3.0?


New Member
as & js are both ECMA scripts, and therefore quite similar. I think the js version would be best - the links can be followed by SE's, and you won't have to worry about whether or not the user has the correct plugin.
Go with AS if you're going to do anything really advanced (transitions, physics, etc.)