Firefox Issue - blank space at the top of the page.


New Member
I'm working on a new site for my employer and I'm having a minor aesthetic issue in Firefox 3 (the site runs fine in IE6/7 so far). There is some blank space at the top of the screen - I can provide screenshots or code if necessary, but to keep things simple I'm just including this link: online draft v1/index.php

The only PHP is a couple of includes for the contents of the nav and header divs.

If someone could help me find the root of this problem I would appreciate it very much!


New Member
Thanks for the reply! I'm trying to go with a standards based layout so it's all CSS, no tables.

I will make a zip file with the code when I get back to work.


New Member
Thank you Horrorshow and SpecialK!

Adding the code to my layout css did the trick, your help is GREATLY appreciated!