Finding good photos for new website?


New Member
I am going to build a new website for a cardiologist. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting high quality photography for this website? I know gettyimages is complicated and costly to use their photos. If I have to use them I will. But I am hoping for an easier route. Might there be a website where I can get free photographs without infringing on any license agreements or copyrights? I suppose I could always photograph the workers myself. However, I don't have the proper lighting equipment nor would I even know how to use it. And who is to say the office workers, nurses and doctors are photogenic? I know that the higher the quality of the photo the better thenweb design turns out to be. Any help would greatly be appreciated.


New Member
I would advise not to use Google because of Copyright issues. Sure they may never arise but I wouldn't risk it specially when you have Free Stock sites. Unless of course you mean Search google for Free Stock Sites not copyrighted images.