Feedback requested on new site


New Member
Hi there my name is Chris and have recently made a new site. I am looking for feedback on the UI and overall content of my website It is a work in progress but any comments can help me steer this in the right direction.

I appreciate all feedback both positive and negative(please be gentle) as it will assist me in creating an overall better site.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
The menu font looks out of place and is hard on the eyes. The middle section feels a bit text heavy, even though there isn't that much text. I think this may be due to the weight/size of the font. Also, the 4 columns don't have a solid separation (perhaps graphically or white space). You have script tags scattered all over the place in your code.


New Member
Overall you have a nice site. Here are some suggestions:

Your header takes up a lot of prime space and it really doesn't say much about your site. It looks like you made it big to accommodate the services drop down menu. I'd recommend taking the drop down out and direct your visitors to a summary page of all your services.

Next, add an image scroller at the top that rotates through your main services and work, including a call to action for each that grabs your visitors attention.

Your paragraph text looks too large to me and creating a text heavy look. You don't really have that much text, just too much text space dedicated to your highlighted sections. Take the font size down a couple points. Currently it looks like all your text is bold.

But overall it looks good. Like your video services.