Feeback please my first website


New Member
I am new to web designing and have published my first website . Which is for toddlers and preschoolers.


I have used bright colors ,lot of images (done in photoshop) .
Please give some feedback on the layout ,navigation and color choices made.
I know my feedback form is not working (need to fix it).
If you guys can tell me solution for the form that will be great .




New Member
the website is too wide for my screen (1280 x 1024) and will probably be superwide for other people with older monitors. The colors are way too bright. Try to stick with one primary bright color and soften it with a little more neutrals. Or you can use pastels - that fits with toddlers too. Also, I'm not a big fan of the handprints next to the header. It looks like out-of-place clip art.


New Member
Decent layout, but could've been better. The color of the background is distracting. It's too bright and not appealing to the eye. I suggest you change that.


New Member
Welcome to the world of web design! Great first start on this. I agree that the colors are a bit too bright but it seems that you are developing your photoshop skills as well. Just let the site evolve, be proud of it, and tweak what you want to tweak. After time you will pick up design and css tricks that will better allow you to really bring your vision to the web. If it were me, my next goal would be to learn css rather then tables. It allows you to have more control over placing elements on the site. Good luck!

Claes Nilsson

New Member
I think the site is actually pretty okay.

It's definently designed for it's crowd and I'd take it that children associate more with pictures than with text, so you accomplished that.

The colors are very bright, and while I think you're right to use bright colors, maybe you should tone it down just a little bit, also make sure that the link colors and the background colors on some of your buttons doesn't look to similare.


New Member
I think the comments that the site "is too bright" is misleading.

Nothing wrong with a bright site. What you're missing is a sense of "palette". The colors are far too random and so end up giving the same effect as wearing five different types of plaid clothing all together.

Do some googling in "web design palette" and pick a nice, bright (yet coordinated) palette. Then design your images and your site sticking to that color palette. You'll see a huge improvement.

Short of that (if you don't have the time) you could probably improve the palette quite a bit by replacing the pink with a white or light gray. This would serve more as a background for your pictures rather than competing with them.

Also, you should use images for the pink part. Remove those and set the width in the TD (or learn about CSS if you really want to do it right) and use background-color to control.


New Member
Thank you everyone for your suggestion . Will tone down the pink color to a lighter shade.

Thanks again,



New Member
I think its pretty damn good for a first website. Sometimes people dont realize it is a FIRST website. Good job! keep at it

Matthew Wilson

New Member
I like it.
But most websites (considerably, children's sites) look like they're a blast from 10 years ago, because it's supposed to be easy to navigate.

I don't know how to say this, or any suggestions, because I am in your site.
But make it more mooodeeern.