Feature on another website.. woud like it on my site - which technology to use?

doc fluty

New Member
The DOD has a method of letting you know how much BAH you are entitled to based on your zip code and pay grade.

They have a "tool" that tells you what you get.... how do i get that "tool" on my site so i can stop linking people off my site?

the feature i want is on https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/bahCalc.cfm

my BAH page is on: http://www.bootcamp4me.com/basic-allowance-for-housing-bah/

I dont even know how to get this tool on my site... any ideas on how to do this for my wordpress site?


New Member
Well I don't do a lot with wordpress myself but provided you either insert javascript or an iFrame into the page then it could be done.

It's a straightforward look-up table based upon two variables (location + paygrade) as far as I can tell this link should provide the data needed http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Do...DF/2011/2011-Without-Dependents-BAH-Rates.pdf

So if all that data was in a Javascript array extraction would be fairly simple, alas entering the data would take some time.