Favicon wont show up? Help?

SPL Tech

New Member
My website, www.rockclimbinghawaii.com will not display my favicon on my index page (or any page for that matter).

- The favicon is in the same folder as the index page.
- The favicon is named favicon.ico
- I have the following HTML in the first 5 lines of my index page to force the favicon to show up:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<title>Hawaii's Rock Climbing Source</title>

I am using IE7 to view the page.

Suggestions as to why it wont show up?



New Member
I have tested it in IE7 and FF and I can see the FavIcon what browser are you using ?


New Member
Can someone else try it in IE 7 to see if it works, it is definitely working for me.

Here is a screen shot:



New Member
Your code is right, the incorrect showing is a known bug in Internet explorer. you can do nothing to this bug.

I have now the same problem with one of my customers, i see the favicon but met costomer see nothing. I annoying this fault.


New Member
Remove the "/" before favicon.ico, that should solve it. IE is sensitive with pathing.

The slash simply signifies domain/ etc..
All I can see is that you forgot to close the tag.

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />


New Member
IE has kicked back weird results when i put a slash in front of any of my paths. I knew what it meant, it's just one of those things worth trying.