Extremely New - Request


New Member
A friend and I are starting an online article-type site. We would sort of like it to be a similar visual style as http://www.odditycentral.com/

Was this site made using only HTML coding? Or was a more sophisticated client used?

How would one go about designing a site with user input and social networking compatibility such as this one?


New Member
It uses wordpress ( an open source blogging cms ). You'll definitely need to learn HTML, CSS, some php before working with wordpress.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Websites are all built using HTML with CSS for styling, it is the only thing that browsers understand.


New Member
You should first learn HTML and CSS, after that little bit of javascript.

Finally you can move to some server language like ASP.NET or PHP. They generate HTML which browser displays.

Take time to learn new technologies, It is not something you learn in a week. To be good designer takes many years.