Expand Image Vertically Without Disrupting the Flow with Javascript & CSS


New Member
Hi all, javascript newb question here.

Here's the code I'm working with on JSfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/warmlaundry/qJbG4/70/

I want to make the edges of the 'f' and 'l' stretch to the edge of the page. I'm just expanding the height of two images that sandwich the word.

I want the word itself to stay put (stay exactly where it is positioned), and I don't want the expanding images to displace any other elements.

Is there an easy way to achieve this? I imagine it has to do with positioning correctly, but I still don't have a full grasp of the subtleties of CSS positioning.

I apologize if this question is a repost; I couldn't think of a good way to phrase the question without posting my own example.


New Member
I'll try and have a look at this for you a bit later but my initial thought is to be able to stop the interval process by stating if the portfolioTop is equal to top position 0 and portfolioBottom to equal what ever max bottom position is it should do the trick.

Nice idea btw, I love the concept.

And I also love the idea of JSFiddle.net I have never seen a it before.