

Well, you've used looks all tabley and not so nice. You've used frames which I believe is now officially a curse word used by most web designers. Frames don't really help your search engines rankings. Also it can screw up navigation. If I came to your website via the main section only, there would be no way to navigate the site because the top menu wouldn't be there, kinda like this As far as content goes you said it's not finished yet, but you need lots of interesting info that will keep people hooked. The panda youtube is funny but its really old and if people want to see that they'd go direct to youtube.


Staff member
When I look at a site, I like to know what it is about.
Not really clear to me what your site is about, even after reading the main text.


New Member
It's not too bad, but you may want to work on the presentation a bit.

The exclamation points in the navigation really bother me...

The "forum" page has a really dark color when you hover over the links, making it impossible to read- what about using a medium gray? Then it will contrast with the white link color and still maintain readability.

Good luck!