Error reporting site code?


New Member
I'm looking for a way to display product errors for my client.

Specifically-- my client has a program in beta. It has a component that when there is an error, you can submit the error back to the company (my client). I do not know yet whether this is xml, an email, or what.

My client wants to b able to display these errors online in a hidden site/page (for just the small group of developers to see, so it needs to be passworded and secure). They want to be able to make comments and mark off when the errors have been addressed.

Anyone know of free/inexpensive code that will assist with this? I assume I will need to edit the code to fit, but I'm hoping not to code the whole thing.

Thanks in advance!


New Member
You should be able to create a subdomain that is really the same production code. Then you could limit this by IP address and/or password and turn errors on for this subdomain. I'm pretty sure this is possible. Might be something you could look into and post back if it works.


New Member
You should be able to create a subdomain that is really the same production code. Then you could limit this by IP address and/or password and turn errors on for this subdomain. I'm pretty sure this is possible. Might be something you could look into and post back if it works.

Thank you for responding!

I'm not sure I explained it fully, however. The actual errors are occurring in a separate program, and are not on a website. They want to see a listing of the errors on a website.

Though I definitely like the idea of using a subdomain, thanks for that idea. I've never tried to limit access by ip address. I wonder how difficult this is? I might go the password route, I know how to do that securely.