Domain name advice required please


New Member
I would like some ‘domain name’ advice please, related to a UK domain, but of course the principle would be the same for any TLD

I want a domain name for a certain product … let us call this ‘widget’ for now

Unfortunately all the common domains, for both widget and widgets have been taken; not surprisingly I suppose.

I thought about and was surprised to see this is still available and was about to buy it.

However, I vaguely remembered the Google keyword tool or what ever it is called and looked up search results.

Again, using widget as a substitute name, Widget and widgets were at the top of the search list , but surprisingly ‘best widgets’ was near the top too, far higher than a search for ‘buy widgets’.

Does this mean I would be better off buying ‘’ which is also available, rather than my initial idea of ‘’

Thanks !


New Member
Your answer is yes, if "best widget" is higher it will be better for SEO, and "widget"/"widgets" has no difference.


New Member
Nice work!

Good move on purchasing both, as they both have SEO relevance for your product. Google will always grant more weight to keywords within the domain name on first index.

Good luck with this.


New Member
Good decision, I would also consider buying the .com ' s if they are available, this gives good flexibility in the future if you expand your operations, and also if someone hears of the site through word of mouth but manually types in the wrong domain with the .com, you can redirect them towards your