Does it make sense...?


New Member
We have recently re-designed our site and inside of our header we have a large call-to-action "start here"- However, this feature appears on every page (as its a CMS) - Plus we are confined to what Network Solutions allows as we cant do "if-then" statements to call different headers on different pages-

So, the issue is that once you click the start here button, although you go to the new page, the header with the 'start here' button still appears as one of the first things you see.

Would this confuse you?
Do you think it would confuse the average person...?
Overall thoughts on the matter..?


Thanks for any and all feedback...

***Fixed it- thanks for the feedback (we basically just had to do-away with the button and extra large header)
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New Member
It would definitely be better if you kept track of whether the visitor pressed the button and if they had use a version of the same banner without the button. But its not drastically confusing to me so maybe not a big deal.


New Member
Definitely confusing. Especially for people on smaller monitors - they might not even notice the page has changed.