Do you have a degree? Did it help?


New Member
I just thought I'd poll the people here, out of curiosity, to see whether or not they have a degree, and if they feel that it was unnecessary. If you didn't go to college at all, do you feel that a degree in web design is overrated?
I'll start it off.

I have a BA in Interactive Digital Design from Quinnipiac University. I was originally a computer programming major though. I think it mainly helped in enabling me to organize my work into an online portfolio, and also gets my foot in the door with some freelance clients. Aside from that, I could have gotten all of the information for like $200 from



New Member
I have a BSc. Honours degree in Multimedia Computing and can honestly say it didn't really help me, in fact, the time spent completing my degree would've been better spent learning on the job - there are far too many distractions! ;)

But as you rightly say, most employers want to see degree level qualifications before you can get your 'foot in the door', the big ol' catch22 situation.

Having said that, I wouldn't go back and change it - I have fond memories of my Uni years... it was a great experience if nothing else!
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New Member
I dont have a degree, Ive learned everything myself and through work experience, but as voodish said there is a catch22, cause sometimes new jobs are lookin for a degree and not so much experience. In the web field though Ive found that there are a lot of people who are fine with experience in place of a degree


New Member
I think the degree helped in general, not just for design but in other areas which helped established a core foundation to build on. Things like communication skills, business basics, marketing and other fundamentals.


New Member
didnt read peoples responses. but my quick answer is a Degree is not important depending on what you want to do. If you want to freelance you need a portfolio. Universities are big into the theory of design but didnt even show us Flash or Dreamweaver.


New Member
In School

I am currently in school for Web Development Technology at a community college, I have college credits in Graphic Communication as well.
I have learned some in flash and photoshop, but I have been writing W3C valid XHTML and CSS for several years.

I was thinking of trying to find a client or two to make some money while I'm in school... Do people hire freelancers with my skill-set? Would it help if I had W3C certification or anything like that, or is portfolio really the key?

Any input would help.


New Member
I have an associates degree in Internet Technologies. I didn't go to one of those fancy dancy schools, although sometimes I wonder what it would have been like. I have learned 95% of what I know from the Internet and trial and error. At the beginning of my venture having the little experience wasn't enough, but now that I have over 8 years in the same field, my experience has truly paid off. I'd have to say that going to college helps out the job screen, but it doesn't help out the knowledge.