Designing the navigation


New Member
You could just swap them around? i.e. make the top one into the left one but vertical? I know it doesn't sound like such a stroke of genius but it's quite common, and will probably look a lot better that way around, as long as the top, now --> left one, spans the width of the column container. Just a thought though!

By the way that's a really difficult URL you got there.. :)


New Member
Are you using dreamweaver?
No, I don't use dreamweaver. I use a simple text editor and write the source by myself without WYSIWYG editors.
Oh, this is a good website. I didn't know it before. It is for searching the right colors?

I don't like drop down menus. I want to have a top navigation and by clicking on one point, the website will refresh with the subnavigation on the left.

Okay, I can swap the navigations. But then there will be text links for the top navigation and this isn't fancy, is it?

Thanks & regards PHANTOMIAS


New Member
I am not sure in your design what's the different between the top horizontal navigation and the vertical navigation. But if it is a personal page and you want to keep it simple, maybe you can just use the top horizontal navigation as 1st level navigation and the vertical navigation as the 2nd level, which will change depends on which 1st level you are in.


New Member
I am not sure in your design what's the different between the top horizontal navigation and the vertical navigation. But if it is a personal page and you want to keep it simple, maybe you can just use the top horizontal navigation as 1st level navigation and the vertical navigation as the 2nd level, which will change depends on which 1st level you are in.
Exactly, that is what I want!



New Member
I do this the exact same way, just rewrite the vertical links on each page. All you need is to create the pages for the first set of links. Nothing fancy to it.
I think we talk about different things. The first level navigation is
* Punkt 1
* Punkt 2
* Punkt 3
* Punkt 4
* Punkt 5

The second level navigation is
* Startseite
* Was weiß ich
o 2. Was weiß ich
o 2. Was weiß ich
* Impressum

I want to change the design of both navigations: the top one and the left one, but I didn't have an idea to build the navigation in a fancy way.
