Design for review


New Member
This is a design that I did for my upcoming company called "Visualofzen"'s a design company that focuses mainly on webdesign, logos and business cards. I'm looking for long term clients that want to make an actual project out of their site rather than just an ordinary boom bam website. On the left in the bottom blue block there will be an email form and a brief questionnaire, such as name, phone number, comments...etc, then the submit button, and the top box will just be a brief description about what I offer, and over on the right might be some links and the bottom im not sure yet...its just a work in progress so far, there will also be some sort of calm, soft nature music or something that fits the description, and I may incorporate some sort of flash for menu's or whatever other ideas that I have, and also it will be formatted to fit the screen. Any any comments anyone has would be appreciated, thanks!.


Staff member
the text navigation links look too small and are a little hard to read.