CSS Frameworks help

Can anyone explain how to use a css framework?

I've been looking at a couple and can't understand how you actually use one. The different style sheets that come with them - what do you do with them?

Copy and paste it in your style sheet?

I cant grasp what you actually do.

Hope this makes sense?


New Member
I'm quite familiar with 'Foundation - by Zurb' - though I don't quite know what you use. Anyhow, I'll explain how Foundation works:

Having copied the following folders (stylesheets, javascripts and includes), you can then look into the root folder for index.html (an example page with all of the necessary CSS and JS <link /> tags.

Once included, you can start to reap the benefits.

For one, Foundation boasts a variety of neat UI elements. You can find these in the documentation on Zurb's Foundation sub-site.

Not to mention the neat grid layout. This works by starting the page with
<div class="container"></div>
, and
'row' with
<div class="row"></div>

The grid layout works with columns. You can lay Foundation's predefined column classes in any way you wish, providing they do not exceed 'twelve'. For example:
<div class="four columns></div> + <div class="eight columns"></div>

See, this will sit perfectly because the columns add up to/ do not exceed 12. (4 + 8).

If you want any more help, etc - feel free to PM me for a social contact.