creatiing a page link that opens two pages?


New Member
I'm kinda experimenting a bit in developing a new template, using iFrames, so far looking good - I'v a page with two iFrames main on on the left, and one slightly smaller on the right.. on one of the links I'm going to establish, I thought it'd be cool if I were able to open Two pages from a single link ?
basically this was a link for Contact and some text on web design.... on the left I was going to place some info, and on the right iFrame - I'd bring up a contact form... being separate iFrames, therefore opening a page in left and a page in right - but from a single link on the page - any ideas on how to do that?
many thanks.


New Member
Your easiest way to do this is to use JS. Without a link I cannot give you exact info. But basically change your link to have

herf="#" onclick="dothisscript();"

then something like
<script type="text/javascript">
function dothisscript() {
document.getElementById("frame1").src = "url1";
document.getElementById("frame2").src = "url2";

This is off the top of my head so the "document.getElementById" may need to be tweaked to find the iframes in question, but it should get you started.


PS. You shouldn't be using iframes, you'll be sorry....