Company Social Network


New Member
Hello everyone,

We have to design an internal social network website for a global manufacturing company (size 5000-10000 online users in working hours around the world), something similar to twitter.
We have to first show a proof of concept model that we can :)! The network should get connected to an online map, such as googlemap,
Do we need to get a MySQL account, make PhP registration forms? Does the company need any permission from Googlemap?
Can you please help me? I only know some basic web design.


New Member
We actually have that in our company, though I don't know how they did that, but it's really working. It is just within our local site or database, whatever you call that. (I am not a programmer I only do back-ups of our database, including those conversations) Its actually like twitter or simple chatroom but only those who are within the company with that account can use it.