Comment on recent website


New Member
I unfortunately ended up doing this rather quickly with little reflection on the design, scaling or qualities it lacks or should easily have. So go ahead and let me know your thoughts.

A couple notes:
1. The footer is still quirky in FF and especially in IE6.
2. I did it in 2 weeks.
3. I'm curious to know people's opinions on whether this seems like an effective performer portfolio website. I could hardly find examples that were decent guidance.
4. Does the "Film Reel" load slowly on your computers?



New Member
I definitely need to adjust the placement of the logo and menu. It's a bit off due to how I programmed it. I'll try out some color changes on the BG and see how it comes out. Thanks.


New Member
Hi, my company does websites for performers.

I would change the background color to something much darker. The home page photo makes a good, strong impact.

Some other major work needs to be done.


New Member
The words on the buttons are hard to read. The text should be larger/bold or something.

The text at the bottom is pretty small.

Load time is less than wonderful but I didn't get annoyed and want to leave.

Not wanting to center the logo is one thing but I think that the left side of it should line up with the left side of the main box.

Clicking on the main header should always take me back to the home page.

The URL for the contact page should be something more obvious than:
(Same goes for the gallery and about pages).

You should implement formmail or something instead of a straight mailto; mailtos annoy a lot of people and they are less inclined to use them.

You should also grab an email icon; it'll look better with the Twitter and Facebook ones.

I would scratch the 'Becoming the formidable artist' piece on the Contact page, as well.

The Gallery page is probably my favorite but I think that the container box should be made larger so that all of the thumbnails fit inside. Until that's done, the page looks a little too heavy on that side, if that makes any sense. lol.

Excellent start! I can't wait to see it completed!


New Member
I've made some changes.

I've addressed some of things mentioned here. For the most part (according to this forum and another) the menu was not effective. I've mostly tried to fix the legibility issue. Also I've added a couple things like the twitter feed which utilizes Sifr. Also, my client for some reason doesn't want a contact form so that's not there any longer. I still need to deal with the overall typography of the site. It's not working yet. Also, the permalinks... wordpress just doesn't have many good options. I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for the comments.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I suggest you ditch the black bg on the log.
It detracts from the main content part, and doesn't feel right.