Clueless and in need of a portfolio/blog hybrid site


New Member
Hi. I've spent the last week or so trying to figure out how to use even the simplest of WYSIWYG web design software -- Dreamweaver, iWeb, SandVox, etc. And after all that, I'm still nowhere. I was hoping to find someone looking to boost their portfolios or isn't super concerned with money (which I don't have much of-- we can negotiate/barter).

It's slowly driving me insane and the further I go, the more Moby Dick-like building this website is becoming. Arrr--- 'tis me white whale, 'tis.

*ahem* Excuse me.

Let me back up a bit.

My friend and writing partner have been in need of a website to house our stuff. Some places we want to submit require a website. Thing is, neither of us know what we're doing. I took a college HTML class 8 years ago, but that no longer qualifies me to know what I'm talking about.

What we have as of now: a logo and a domain.

If you're a humanitarian and willing to help the stupid/ignorant, please drop me a PM or respond here with another means to contact you and I can explain further.

Thanks for your time and reading all that (more to come)...