Client one page site


Here is a design for my newest client. I'm going to create an external stylesheet for the css this is just for viewing purposes only. This is just a simple one page website that can be converted into a WordPress design if the client chooses to in the future.

Take a look at the code and let me know what you think of both design and code views.

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the call to action button should "pop" a little more to draw the eye. A nice skin or frame around the slideshow would help and the code is a little glitchy. There seems to be alot of JS for a site like this tbh. In the three cols, the padding looks off and the indent used for you lists should be caried over to about us, as it would add to the general flow and consistancy of the site. The form fileds at the bottom should have some more spacing on them as they looked smooshed together and slightly not aligned, also a little more space at the bottom for that submit button to breathe. Might want to concider a "clear" button as well as last I checked not having one strikes against you in validation. And one final thing.. dont hide the link at the botto, to your site man, make it pop more to get that biz to YOU,lol.
For a one page site, I think there's too much white space, the logo should be larger, image show should be smaller with more/different images, request quote button should be smaller (these things would let the viewer see much of your main content without scrolling).
I find the image transitions distracting; a simple fade in/fade out effect may be better.
Since you have a contact us form for the quote, do you really need another one at the bottom of the page?
Maybe you could put "Testimonials" in the same column with "About Us".


New Member
I like your website. I like the colors you have chosen, and the simplicity of the layout. The light colors and the plain background draw the viewers attention to the pictures and action for the animated slider.

I would improve two things, the first is the loading of the images takes way too long. I think you are using jquery or javascript based rotator, So you can pre-load the images as the document is loading, search for jquery preload images or something like that.

The second thing I would improve is that since your text block request a quote today in all the way to the right, I would move the left most column up which would cause a bit of asymmetry in your design, and at the same time would get rid of the white space all the way in the left of the text block.

You could put the most important info or link to grab the viewers attention.
