Can't spot the fault grrrr


New Member
Just trying to add alt text ( alt="water leak repair" ) to two images, but it doesn't show up on the checker, and on top of that the positioning is wrong. The pics partially overlap in stead of being somewhere next to each other.

I've tried half a dozen variations and it is getting from bad to worse

Where am I going wrong?:eek:

style="Z-INDEX: 2; POSITION: absolute; LEFT: 332px" border=0
hspace=0 src="compression joint leak whole 160x110.jpg" width=160
height=106 alt="water leak repair" />
<img border="0" hspace="0"
src="compression joint leak detail 160x120.jpg" width=160
height=120 alt="water leak repair" />


I'm not sure about the alt tags but their appearing on top of each other because of z-index and absolute positioning.