cannot call div



could someone please check

1: why I cannot separate the div 'IN THE SPOT" from the div's above? If you look at the div 'New Gameplay' that I can set to a margin-top, but the 'IN THE SPOT' sticks to the top no matter what I tried. Can't see what I'm doing wrong...

2: if the slideshow is full width and screen

Thanks for your help guys and happy holidays!
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's because all the preceding elements are absolutely positioned so the top margin of that element is being measured from the top edge of the body element.


OK, thanks the help.

I've made some adjustments to the positioning and the the 'margin-top'... seems to be OK now:
(took me quite some time: change this, that, and back... trail and error: is this the way everyone works with CSS or am I not aware of a more efficient way?)

I'm still struggling with the following problem:

the header is top/left:0 and fixed. But When I scroll the page, the header is disrupted by other elements on the page scrolling under it. Trying to solve this with the z-index didn't help?
Ex.: Header z-index value is 60000, the 'new gameplay' element has a value of 0, and still it makes the header jump like crazy. Do I not understand the functioning of z-index?

Thanks for the help and tips!
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