Can someone explain Drupal?


New Member
What exactly is Drupal? I know it is a content management system.
Is Drupal templates or something?
The site doesn't explain it well. I would like to know what it is so I know whether to study it or not. What do you think?


New Member
I haven't used it myself, but from talking with people it sounds like a collection of PHP scripts for mysql database management and maybe some java in there too.


New Member
Like you already said, Drupal is a CMS. It allows you to build dynamic web sites with constantly changing content. Websites built with Drupal tend to be more complex than blogs and personal websites. Also, Drupal is open source, so that if you are trying to understand how something works, you can go into the source and see for yourself. IMO, This makes it easier to study than a non-open source CMS.