Brand New Landing Page Debuted -


Super Moderator
Staff member
The layout is nice, clean and professional. The code, on the other hand, needs help. Don't use tables for layout, even for forms. It's not what they were meant for, bloats your code, makes it harder for search engines to index the page, and makes structural changes a royal pain. Forms are actually pretty easy to style using standard, semantic code.

Move your CSS and JScript to external files. Again, more bloated code.

Your page has a body nested within a body. Not sure why that is, but it couldn't have been on purpose.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/wowwindow.css" />
within the head tags.
Also, if you MUST have CSS within style tags, place that in the head as well.


New Member
Should have said...

That everything you said about the code is correct, we rushed it to get it live and tomorrow we're moving things into are very thorough...thanks!


New Member
I have nothing to critique about the design, I just wanted to say that the crowd of people above the footer is very creative, I like that. You had to move it quick, have you designed other sites before?