Best way to tackle a Website


New Member
Hi all,

I have recently been made redundant from my previous job (11 years of work!) and I have decided it's about time I put my hand to something I have always wanted to do... work in IT.

I am slowly learning how to build websites and I am currently doing a course on Dreamweaver.

My question is, and I am aware that it's not going to be a simple answer, what is the best order to do things when building a website????

I know everyone has their own way of working and to try and agree on one way isn't likely to happen, but going through the course, it's a bit jumpy and it doesn't give you a structure on the way to do it.

What I am basically looking for is a list or guide on what to start with and what to do next. For example, Create your Site Definition, Create your folders... then what? Put in your context, create your div's? sort out the background colours etc?

Any guidance on the way that you, more experianced, guys work would be gratefully received as I am feeling a little lost at the moment.

I truly hope someone will come back to me with some suggestions so I can at least work in some sort of order rather attacking random bits without any clue to what I have forgotten.

Thanks all.



New Member
Design in photoshop until happy with the design. Create new website project in Visual Studio. Create folder structure usually resembling something like:

> assets
---- > img
---- > js
---- > css
> code
> controls

Create three master stylsheets. One main one, one for mobile websites, one for Internet Explorer 7.

Create master page (template) based on original design.

Create a custom user control for re-usable elements such as menus, widgets, etc.

Create content pages.

Add content and functionality.

Test test test test and test again.


Err, something like that. It doesn't really matter other than the logical limitations for instance if I don't create my master page first then my content pages have no template to derrive from.

I would suggest tackling a personal project in your free time that you consider way above your head. That way you'll hit a million road bumps but when you finally get to the end you'll know so much more! Well, that's how I learnt anyway. I did do a 1-year course that covered about 3 weeks of web design but it was beyond amateur! lol.

Good luck :)


New Member
The Process

Yeah, you need a mockup, create folder structure, masters, etc.. My advice is get provable client approval at every step, so any of the million changes they want are additional charges.


New Member
Thanks for the advice Leroy.

It's a very daunting position to be in. Looking at all the different things that can be done on a website and not having a clue how to do things is some what worrying, especially as I will be going it alone to begin with. I guess my main concern is if a client asks me to do something that I have no idea how to do, I don't want to look like an idiot and say...'err I can't do that'.... or saying I can do it and then getting it completely wrong, lol....

I guess it will all come with practice, just not sure how long it's going to take...

And thanks also Purity.... I figured out pretty early on that before you do anything major, get client approval to be able to make the changes at the early stages and be able to increase the charges should the scope of the work increase with the amendments they are looking for...

Any other advice that I should be made aware of, I would be grateful to hear....


New Member
I am not the best nor do I know everything about web design but I always start out by designing a template in Photoshop then I confirm the design with the customer and then I break it down into header, footer, middle content, logo, BG, etc, etc. And start coding. I usually set up the following folders: css, style and images.
I think I’ll take this another route. First, get to know your client. Twenty minutes of talking to them will save you SO much aggravation down the road. Ask them to provide some sites THEY like, and what they like about them. If you make them feel like an equal, then when you recommend they don’t use animated gifs because it’s not best practice, they are less likely to argue.

Second and this is maybe, I create a wireframe for them, so they can get a slight idea of what’s going on, and again gets them to ask questions like “what goes there, oh I was thinking a little larger”. Then some color samples for them to approve, all done via email so there is documented approval.

By the time I put it to Photoshop mock-up, 80% of the site has been approved. Method has worked without fail for me, but talking to your client, and getting a good grasp of what they want is a HUGE factor that’s often overlooked.


New Member
I am not the best nor do I know everything about web design but I always start out by designing a template in Photoshop then I confirm the design with the customer and then I break it down into header, footer, middle content, logo, BG, etc, etc. And start coding. I usually set up the following folders: css, style and images.

This is a good move for starter. I would say that it's not really an easy task building website. But, if you really are determined then there's no way you can't do it!