Background Layout strategy?


New Member
Ok I am trying to have a fixed background behind everything then a header image with a jq navbar, then a a div that scrolls. My question is should I use media queries or some thing like a percent width for the middle?

They want the background to be viewable at all resolutions, and they won't change what they want so I need a little help figuring out the best way to accomplish this.

my thought was

<div back fixed>
<div head fixed center>
<div scroll center>

and set the scroll and center to width:62.5%

What would be your suggestions?

Here is my image for a explanation. blue is the background, orange is the header and jq.


  • Untitled-2.jpg
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Hazey Coder

New Member
The old fluid vs responsive question... Here's my main question -- what's going to be in that left column, and how important is it? The reason why I ask is because any fluid or responsive system will have the center and right columns collapse under the left one. You probably wouldn't want your navi halfway down the page.

The main way around that would be to use a media query that uses a display: none on the left column when you got a max width of, about 480px.
