Automatic letter generator


New Member
Can anyone help me with a script for this?
I want a tool on my website where people can print a letter to send to the insurance company (to stop the insurance. (f.e. sold their car)).

There should be a few input options, like name, customer number etc.
There should also be an option to sign digitally. (signature.)

Thanks in advance.


New Member
This would just be a simple form with the fields you want. Then using a php script, you'll grab the content of those fields, store them in variables and insert the variables into the parts of the letter that they belong.

That is of course, assuming I've understood what you're after.



New Member
To elaborate on what I just said, I know you have asked for help on the actual script, which I haven't really given.
All you would need to do is find a php emailer script. Customize how the email (the letter) will look, placing the variables (field contents') in the correct place, and then you would also be able to email it directly to the person who fills our the form, or just display it straight back to them.

I imagine it would be fairly straight forward.
