Auto resizing somewhere in script


New Member
Hi There people,
I hope u can help me..

I have taken over a website, it contains a list of cars with pics and once you click on the thumbnail (TN_Image) it gives you a larger image.

My problem is:
Somewhere in the script it resizes the the image i upload to 80x60 pixels which is too small and for the life of me i cant find out where...

Is there a common place where this would be??

I did find this in a sqladmin.php file :

// generate the tn image
if ($val["tn"]["generate"] == "true") {
$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name ,
$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $name ,

$_POST["tn_" . $key] = "1";

Please if anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it..
I have to have this done today and i have been up all night... :eek:

Thanks :)


New Member
I have also found this in the same file

case "upload":
$file = true;
case "image":

//checking how choosed the client to set the image
switch ($_POST[$key . "_radio_type"]) {
case 0:

if (is_array($_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"]) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"]["tmp_name"])) {
$img = &$_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"];

$name = $_POST[$key . "_temp"] != "" ? $_POST[$key . "_temp"] : $val["file"]["default"] . time() . $val["file"]["ext"];

@move_uploaded_file($img["tmp_name"] , $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name );

if ($val["tn"]["generate"] == "true") {
$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name ,
$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $name ,
$_POST["tn_" . $key] = "1";


New Member
Hey Val,
I had a look for it...
I cant see anywhere is the script where the 80 X 60 shows that it is resizing to..
It is extremely frustrating... u would think somewhere it would show where!!!


New Member
As Lou said that value 'width' must be set. Try checking all of the included PHP files, it should be in one of them.