Argentina dutch infowebsite


New Member
Hi there,

I just made a new website, it's a information page for Argentina.
the website is located at

I like to have feedback for this website.
My goal was to made it as simple as possible.


New Member
I like it

I like it. i like the white backround, it's easy to concentrate on the text. It's not too complicated and it isnt too simple. good work


New Member

Very nice site indeed. I like the subtle colors which really help the pictures stand on their own. The layout and organization, overall, is good, too.

A couple of things to look into:

1. On the home page, in both IE and mozilla, some of the text boxes are unconnected vertically - with big spaces between them. This detracts from the otherwise easy-eye flow across the page.

2. When I make a choice on the home page, and go to a secondary page, the left men should remain selected so the user knows where they are. Right now, I have to do a little mental connection game. In short, don't make me think!


New Member
thanks for noticing the browser incompatibility i will look into that,
I will also look in to the reference to the current page, I will keep you updated