Archive Web-Site Procedures?


New Member
What is your opinion of companies that upgrade their web-site, however leave old versions of their site, pages, etc active on their web server? So if you "Google" them in a certain way, you may be able to find old versions of pages or out dated information that is no longer used any more. Much of this information is no longer linked in any way to their current site.


Is there any kind of Web-Site standards "Bible" that helps you out with these type of issues.


What is your process or your company's procedure when updating web-pages and archiving old information from your web-site?

Thank you in advance.


New Member
The main reasons for leaving redundant pages on the server are probably laziness and fear of losing any SEO value.

Out of date pages can hang around in Google for quite a while and its probably more useful to add redirects to relevant, current pages than go to the trouble of removing them.