Anyone heard of "Keyword Stuffing" from an SEO???


New Member
I need an answer from those who does know Search Engine Optimization ( seach engine wtf?). This baby site Auto Radiator I created was given a rating by an "Search Engine Optimization Specialist" to be non- SEO friendly and that is has too much keywords. Ok, somebody please explain that to me. Does my site have repetitive words?


Staff member
the overuse of keywords makes the site look spammy and not like a genuine site.


New Member
I need an answer from those who does know Search Engine Optimization ( seach engine wtf?). This baby site Auto Radiator I created was given a rating by an "Search Engine Optimization Specialist" to be non- SEO friendly and that is has too much keywords. Ok, somebody please explain that to me. Does my site have repetitive words?

Avoid having to BOLD your keywords again and again, I recommend you BOLD each particular keyword only once.

I checked your site, and in your case, it may be necessary to repeat your words again and again as you have done. I believe you have done just fine, it does not look spammy to me, the repetition is more of a necessity.


New Member
One of the mistakes many people make is to create artificial looking pages built merely for the search engines. But the search engines, especially Google is now very wise and attentive to all these details.
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The Lion

New Member
Optimizing for Keyword Density is Unnecessary.

I took a peek at your website, and you're a long way from keyword stuffing, my friend. So don't worry about that. What it looks like you are trying to do, however, is improve your keyword density. But this also has for a long time now become far less critical for placing well on search engine results pages (a.k.a. SERPs) than other strategies. If you really want your site to do well, simply include appropriate content that is easy for visitors to read and understand. Your visitors should be able to find what they're looking for without having to wade through a deluge of useless copy. It makes the site look tacky and unprofressional, and most people will not stay or return because of it.

Selected keywords work best when they're placed by themselves in titles and descriptions. Other important areas of keyword placement include the first and second sentences of the first paragraph, as well as the last and second-to-last sentences of the final paragraph. Other popular placements (though no longer valued highly) are in the alt text of images and links. But be careful of overdoing it here with respect to redundancy and/or keyword volume. There are penalties for this. Also, make sure that your keywords show up no more than three times in any of these locations. Three seems to have become the magic number with all search engines across the board. But nothing will ever serve you better than keywords as anchor text via inbound links back to your website. Establish these on well-ranking website in high volume and you need not place keywords anywhere on your website (Astonishing, but true).

If you have any further questions, just do a search on the 'the importance of inbound link anchor text', and you'll find more articles than you could possibly read in a single sitting. A shortcut here is that they all essentially say the same thing, that anchor texting is the new king in town, with respect to search engine optimization. But all YOU really need to take away from this is that what you're doing now is not going to do much for your site.

Good luck, friend,
The Lion.

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New Member
Keyword Stuffing... it is the repetition of the keywords in a certain part of the html codings or contents....Too much and repeated keywords....


New Member
its using/placing your keyword/s over and over and over again and making it looks weird.
its same as keyword redundancy.


New Member
You need to make sure that a specific keyword is not used on a specific page more than 13% of the text content. Anything above that can make your site less desirable to a search engine algorithm and you will rank lower than others in your industry.