Am I going the right way?


New Member

I'm making my first website design, and need some tips on that. What I have so far:
. It looks blurry, but it isn't when not in the picture.
Maybe you have any suggestions about colors, font size, that box (I think there will be about 4-5 boxes, maybe I should get rid of them, or change something in them?). Everything is done with html5/css3, except that image part in the bottom.
Sorry for bad english :(


Super Moderator
Staff member
Not a bad start.
Justified text is very hard to read.
Leftaligned, with more lineheight.
The colours clash a bit, the red particularly.
And id be aiming for 12-15 words per line, so either make the text box smaller, or bump up the size a bit.
Headers if they are not links, should not be underlined, if you want an underline use border-bottom.
The boxes arent bad. But hard to tell without substance if they will work.
What cms r u going to use?


New Member
In my honest opinion, it is bland. Remember a site should be memorable in some shape or form. Keep going though, you seem to have a grasp on what to do. Good luck.