All sorts of problems in INTERNET EXPLORER ONLY


New Member
I'm having all sorts of problems in ONLY internet explorer.

1. The 'music' and 'contact' on my homepage do not show up
- In IE7 and IE8, it cuts off the top of my cartoons head

2. The music player is out of place

3. When you click the GMAIL logo on this page, a box with a form in it pops out, but the "X" to close the box doesn't show up

These problems are only present in IE. How can I fix them?


New Member
Removing the position:fixed; in the cartoon style and in the #footer style will correct the head being cut off

the music and contact aren't showing up because your code is a bit out of structure. For example

<A accessKey=s.....  -96B8-444553540000" <object> <PARAM value="img/homecontact.swf"

Examine the code that is working for the bio link and correct the errors in the other two.

I see the X for the popup box in IE but the box is awfully small. i'd at least double the size of it.


New Member
Removing the position:fixed; in the cartoon style and in the #footer style will correct the head being cut off

I see the X for the popup box in IE but the box is awfully small. i'd at least double the size of it.

I was able to figure out the problem of the music and contact not showing up

The problem with removing that "position:fixed" is that the cartoon will float WAYYY above the fixed line at the bottom in GOOGLE CHROME and SAFARI.