Advice, please! My mind is fuzzy.


New Member
I really hope this is the right place to post this!!

Okay.. Here's the page I'm currently working on.

Love ya' Like a Cheesecake Menu

(Long story short, its a website I'm building for a business my partner and I are hoping to get started in the near future..)

As you can see there is a background border at the bottom, and the text scrolls in front of it. I'm pretty sure there is a way without using a frame to stop the text from scrolling over that bottom image, but I can't think of how to do it.

Also, you'll notice that my buttons at the top of the page scroll, too. I'd like too keep them in place, but that's not my biggest issue right now.

Any tips would be nice!! My biggest problem is remembering the terms for these things when googles searching. ;3


New Member
Which program are using to develop your site? What are your goals for the site? You might want to try and use a CMS. I do like the layout of the top nav bar and border. Sorry, but I need a little more info to help out.


New Member
If you are using a design package such as dreamweaver, you should be able to edit the page properties and layout, to get it all to work, or at least as close as.
Just look out for browser compatibility issues. As mentioned by fbhc you could look at using a CMS, much easier to edit and update your site. The downside is you might not have the same flexibilty with the design and since CMS sites are usually dynamic, making layout changes to the template is not so easy as it is with static content.


New Member
I was trying to do it all with HTML and CSS because I wanted to keep it simple and easy. I'm going to look into that "'Framed' pages without frames" post and see if maybe that'd be the way to go. Thanks!!

p.s. I'm not too familiar with CMS


New Member
You got lots of space in your site, think you should use your work area, why not try to put some photos of the foods in your menu section? or add some teaser under every foods.