A Complete Neewbie Q Re: Property Websites.


New Member

I have been teaching myself HTML over the past year or so and just fiddling about and practising, trying to find motivation. I have two friends who want me to have a go at a basic website for them.

My question is this...

How do online stores or specifically property companies (real estate/ estate agents) program their sites? I would like to know how to deign a section of drop down selections (i.e min - max price, colour, etc.) that will then display a number of properties or products from a database or list.

Is it easy to learn?

Also, how could a 'client' update their own site with additional products or properties?



New Member
HTML is the basic language, it is the language that creates the design of the page, the content. To use editable/dynamic page, we are using PHP and MySQL (sometimes Ajax too...) to develop the system.

PHP is a language that can build an HTML page, sometimes it's based on a MySQL database tables. So if we build PHP page that collects user inputs, and we storing this values in a database table, it will change this page content on next load.

It's very interesting, and i think you should give it a chance.

- Enjoy. :)