Search results

  1. P

    Best promotion method?

    Noctrine: Thanks a lot! I do plan on doing that at some point in the future, however my current web expertise is not quite that high. I'd be happy to take on someone who knows how to do so. Thank you for the suggestion.
  2. P

    What do you think of my site?

    Hey guys, thanks for the feedback, that's really encouraging. It's supposed to act as a home page for the younger crowd or people who just like the style of it. I used to have Google as my home page but found it boring so starting making a more appealing home page for myself and others liked it.
  3. P

    Best promotion method?

    Hi everyone, I've worked really hard on my site: and I've tried some pay-per-click advertising (which I think I've had the best success on), also posting on forums and 'digg-it' type sites. However, I'm not having that much luck. Any suggestions specific to my site...
  4. P

    What do you think of my site?

    What improvements would you recommend?
  5. P

    What do you think of my site?

    Hey all, I'm new here, Could I be cheeky and ask you to review my site? It's It took me aaages. Thanks, hope to hear what you think!