website review please?..


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm new on here.. I was hoping to get some advice on a website I have designed and maintain for a football club.

The website is

I was hoping to get some feedback on the layout, colour scheme, gallery, etc. (the whole site in our words..)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



New Member
it looks great. not sure if it's default with joomla to block right click, but if you are counting on it to keep people off your code, it doesn't really work. you should never limit the functionality of a users controls. bad form. other then that, the site looks awesome. very easy to use and get to data. the fb link should be one of the first things people see if it's something you are using to actively market the site. not saying any of this applies, but as i said, it looks and works perfect for it's purpose.


New Member
Hi Dorky,

Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it.

The right-click is something I disabled via a Joomla! extension.. If this is not good practice then I will re-enable it. The reason for disabling right-click was to stop anyone from stealing the photo's from the gallery (this was done at the photographers request really..)

As for the fb link, I will change that to put it as close to the top as possible..

Thanks again for the feedback.
