Webiste Review and Advises


New Member
The answer to this might be obvious but since it's not in English I can't be sure... what's the point of the two separate navigation menus? Again it could be obvious to anyone that knows the language, but since I'm not sure what the items say, I'm not sure.

I went to the Términos y Condiciones page and noticed that the links are larger than the rest of the text. I don't know if this was on purpose (to make them stand out more) or not, but I think the colour of them makes them stand out enough that I don't think they don't need to be larger.

The map on the Embajadas page is squished and probably shouldn't be. (The actual image looks fine when you click on it, but it seems the wrong dimensions were put in for it in the HTML)

Other than that though, it looks pretty good! Keep us updated on any changes.