Total noob needs help


New Member
Hello, I am new to this forum and I need some help. I just started learning html with the intent of learning how to do web design. I have been going through a tutorial and I am creating my first page. My problem is this: I am trying to insert an image into my page and I am using the tag:

<p> octapulse <img src= "ballin.gif" width= "244" height= "211"> </p>

I am doing this in notepad and when I save it with a html extension and open it up in the browser, it does not display the image, but has the outline with "the little red x" in the top left corner of the outline. I tried right clicking and selecting "show picture", but nothing happens. I checked the properties of the image and everything seems correct. So what am I doing wrong? Why wont the image display? Is there another way to tell the browser where the gif file is located? Thanks.


New Member
Hello, I am new to this forum and I need some help. I just started learning html with the intent of learning how to do web design. I have been going through a tutorial and I am creating my first page. My problem is this: I am trying to insert an image into my page and I am using the tag:

<p> octapulse <img src= "ballin.gif" width= "244" height= "211"> </p>

I am doing this in notepad and when I save it with a html extension and open it up in the browser, it does not display the image, but has the outline with "the little red x" in the top left corner of the outline. I tried right clicking and selecting "show picture", but nothing happens. I checked the properties of the image and everything seems correct. So what am I doing wrong? Why wont the image display? Is there another way to tell the browser where the gif file is located? Thanks.

Well "ballin.gif" suggests that the image and the .html file are in the same folder. If for instance your image in a folder called images than it would look something like "" or if it is in the same folder as the .html try adding a forward slash to the front like so "/ballin.gif" if that doesn't do it try "../ballin.gif"

Hope that makes sense and helps
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New Member
so, if I move the image file into the same folder (or in this case, the file is on the desktop), then it will display the file without any extra extensions? Im going to try that and see what happens.


New Member
I tried all of those suggestions and I still cant get the image to appear. Here is the full html file for the page I am learning to create:

<head> <title> </title> </head>

<h1> <center><b>Welcome to!</B> </center> </h1>

<p>In this adventure to learn web design, I want to practice use of the hyper text markup language or

"html". </p> a good tool for research: <a href= "" > </a>

<center> <p> Octapulse <img src= " design/ballin.gif" width="211" height="243" > </center> </p>
<!-- for some reason the photo wont load! >



New Member
Well now you have an absolute path. Pointing to a file on a web server. Where exactly is this image located? Are you testing this on the web server or just from the desktop?

If the file is on the desktop and the image is on the desktop than your img src should be

<img src= "ballin.gif" width="211" height="243" />

Sorry there should be no slash. This is if they are in the same folder (or both on the desktop)
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New Member
sorry, I was testing different things with that tag and forgot to reconvert it back to its original format. the original looked like this:

<head> <title> </title> </head>

<h1> <center><b>Welcome to!</B> </center> </h1>

<p>In this adventure to learn web design, I want to practice use of the hyper text markup language or

"html". </p> a good tool for research: <a href= "" > </a>

<center> <p> Octapulse <img src= "/ballin.gif" width="211" height="243" > </center> </p>
<!-- for some reason the photo wont load! >


Im not loading this on a server, but just testing it out from the desktop.


New Member
I edited my post above. Sorry for the cinfusion. Also I just noticed that this site appended it's own domain into the example path I posted in my first post. My fault I should have used the code tags.
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New Member
I think I have identified the problem. I am practicing this on a computer at work and I think IT has the computer set to block jpeg and gif files from being opened because when I try to open it by itself, its says that its not able to open the file. I have tried this with several random images saved from the internet and none of them would open. Thats a relief in that I now know that my scripting was not the thing that was in error. Thanks for your help!