Tiny Mozilla Problem: Help Please!


New Member
I have a tiny problem and I'm not sure how to fix it; it is of course, consistency trouble between IE and Mozilla...


This page has a tiny horizontal gap across the top, in between the first and second table row, however try as I might, I can't get rid of it.

If you're not using Mozilla you can see it at: http://www.colmodwyer.co.uk/001.jpg

I've tried with CSS and DIV's but that's more or less the same if not worse, I'm not really great with CSS to be fair.

Any help at all would be great (that's my weekend now gone on this :mad: )


 <div align="center">

  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="100%" width="750">
     <td><img src="images/top.jpg" border="0"></td>

     <td background="images/mid.jpg">

      <p><em>Target your audience with a little sentence here...</em></p>
      <h1>Then Grab Them By The Balls, Look Them Square In The Eye And Say...</h1>

      <h2>"...I'm about to tell you something so secretive, <br>yet so beneficial to you, that you'll want to give 27 of your hard earned dollars for the privilege!"</h2>

      <p><strong>From:</strong> Seller<br><strong>Re:</strong> That Thing...</p>

      <p>Hello and welcome to this sweet ass website; I'll bet you're wondering what this whole affair is all about, what's it to do with you and why do I give a dam...</p>

      <p>...Well that's a fair question, which I'll go into right after 5000 words or so helping you imagine the problem that faces us all, yet it's a problem I have the solution for, and it's dead easy to implement... And cheap too, so read on my fat friend!</p>

      <h2>Are You Reading On?</h2>

      <p>Excellent, because I'm just about to sum up the benefits before you order...</p>

      <li>Benefit 1</li>   
      <li>Benefit 2</li>
      <li>Benefit 3</li>

     <p>How do you like them apples?</p>

     <h3>Just Click Below...</h3>

     <center><img src="images/order.jpg" height="75" width="308"></center>

     <p>And don't forget about the sweet guarantee of 5 minutes from the time you order!</p>

     <p><strong>For Your Success,</strong><br><br><img src="images/signature.jpg" height="40" width="160"></p>

     <p><strong>P.S.</strong> Oooh yeah, I almost forgot...</p>

    <td><img src="images/bot.jpg" height="50" width="750"></td>






P.S. Is there a reason why the bullets are being awkward in Mozilla too?


New Member
You can fix it by adding the same background to the first td as the second td. Other then that I have no idea why there's a space there sorry.