The friends thread.


New Member
Hey guys, so I was thinking and it seems like we all come here because we need advice, or because we're looking for work. It seems like we're out to use and abuse one another. I don't think it should be like that. We're all designers aren't we?

So what I'm looking to do is make some more friends and build up a contacts list full of people who I can ask advice of and bounce ideas off. Perhaps I could even meet people who know flash, PHP, Java and applications which are all areas I lack knowledge in. We could team up once and a while on project to benefit ourselves and customers.

I'm just starting out in the Freelance design business and I'd love to meet people with more experience who can give that one little piece of advice that I need to hear to make it though these first few years.

So to all whom this sounds like an appealing idea, reply, add me on your contacts, we can exchange email address, MSN, AIM, SKYPE, facebook, myspace, and whatever else you want.

Looking forward to greeting to know all of you.